14 Jun

Root Canal Treatment in Las Vegas

You’ve probably heard horror stories about people who have had a root canal treatment in Las Vegas. They talk about the pain and the agony of sitting in the dental chair while the infected root of their tooth is being treated. What they’re not telling you and they may not even realize themselves is that the treatment for a root canal is not what’s causing the pain. It’s the infection in their root and gum that caused the pain in the first place. The treatment for the infected root is what relieves the pain and not the cause of the pain.

A root canal treatment in Las Vegas is really not a painful procedure at all. If someone has scared you into thinking that you shouldn’t go to the dentist for root pain, they’ve scared you for no reason. Years ago, a tooth extraction would be your only option for a tooth with an infected root. That was a scary procedure, considering the lack of today’s advancements in dentistry. But today, most dentists will tell you that infected or abscessed teeth can generally be saved. When the pulp in the middle of your tooth gets infected, you’ll have pain in your tooth and pain in your gum. Dr. Moore at Moore Family Dentistry is the first call you’ll want to make to take care of that pain.

Dr. Moore will take care of your pain by first administering a local anesthetic to numb the area. Then he’ll continue by removing the infection from the inside of your tooth, in the area known as the pulp. The canal is cleaned out and filled with a material that will permanently plug it so it can’t get infected again. Because of the anesthetic, any pain from the root canal treatment in Las Vegas should not be felt. Once it’s over, Dr. Moore will be able to cap your tooth with a dental crown that’s been made to look just like your other teeth. Once that crown is in place, you’ll look as good as new and nobody will be the wiser. So when you have pain and infection in your gum, call one of the offices of Moore Family Dentistry. For our central office, just off Sahara, call 702-791-1010, and for our Summerlin office, call 702-254-6700. We’ll help you get rid of the pain and smile again.

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